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Original Brow cow to the rescue from Lenna!

Tuesday 19 December 2017

The help that each farmer gives to his mountains it shows also to its breeds. The Original Brown Cow who has always been '"The Cow" of our mountains is the main character of our historical cheeses such as Stracchini, Mountain Cheeses, Taleggio, Bitto and Branzi.

A breed, that nowadays, regretfully everybody has abandoned in order to have more milk and more profits. 

Original Brow cow to the rescue from Lenna!

From Lenna and the Brembana valley starts the beginning of this compaign for saving the Original Brown Cow (Original Braunvieh is its international name): Three breeders, Nicolò Quarteroni from Lenna, Ignazio Carrara from Serina and Alfio Sassella from Talamona (Sondrio), has created an association in order put this breed in the official recognized studbook and save the extinction of this breed.  The Headquarter of this project is the Ferdy farm in Lenna, 40 associated breeders and 11 farms that also produce cheese and meats from this breed within the Brembana, Seriana Valley, Valtellina, Brescia and Piedmont areas. These breeder will use the sign «Here original Brown Cow products». «These products have amazing natural properties for the organism and help the sustainability of the territory, this combo makes more healty and conscious people'». 

The Original Brown Cows are animals that suits perfectly our mountains because they are their own natural habitatat, according to the settlement, the animals will have to breed freely at least 90 days per year and eating only grass, during the winter instead they will be eating hay. This kind of diet has been internatianlly recognized having great benefits on the final products such as milk, cheese and teh meat. The philosophy of this project is to enhance the qualities of this animals and its special benefits on everybody diet and the animal wellness approach against intensive labour. 

The President of the Association is a strong believer of these values and the long term sustainability of the territory we live in. 

The Association has its own website (www.brunaalpinaoriginale.com) and it is very active on the social platform Facebook (19k subscribers) and has been helping with working products and promotional ones, designed by «Ardesia studio», the interested producers and the amatoeur supporters of this project. 

Original Brow cow to the rescue from Lenna!
Original Brow cow to the rescue from Lenna!
Original Brow cow to the rescue from Lenna!
Original Brow cow to the rescue from Lenna!
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